Club de leones san miguel de abona
Who are we?
The Club Leones de San Miguel de Abona located in Costa del Silencio, Tenerife Sur. We are associated with Lions Club International an organization that strives to better the lives of local residents of our communities around the world.
We join with concerned individuals, organizations and other Lions Clubs, in focusing our service work in five key areas: Children’s care and development, vision, feeding the hungry and improving our environment. We welcome the assistance of anyone willing to assist us in our service efforts. We are all volunteers.
Our club has served Tenerife south since 1998 conducting service projects and raising and giving back thousands of Euros to local and international causes.
When it comes to meeting challenges, our response is simple: We Serve. Our volunteer projects unite Lions not only in our own community but around the world. And our work is unconditional. Lions help wherever, whenever and however we can.
We invite you to volunteer assistance with one of our many projects. We welcome your involvement and your ideas for areas where additional help is required in our community. Please review the pages of this website to get an idea of our activities, follow us on social media, then contact us to discuss how you can be of service.
Lions clubs continue to innovate in the ways we deliver services to our communities globally.
Talk to us
Have any questions? Would you like to join or can you volunteer?
Can you offer a service to help promote for donations or to assist us with work in the community?